

Our classrooms are specials and fully air-conditioned. More over you will find digital classrooms including senses boards, projectors, audio-visual systems wich allows for interactive learning experience.

Lab and Activity room

To boost students concentration we have a huge E-library with comprehensive collection of books on child literature, encyclopedias, subject books that can kindle students interest in reading.

Safety and Security

As healthy mind dwells in healthy body we provide specials, well equipped playground to students to foster cognitive growth, to build imaginative & creativity, to improve reflexes, balance and motor skill, our classes & campus is equipped with CCTV cameras and is patrolled by security guards

Sport Facilities

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting your journey in sports, there’s a place for you at BIS. Explore our sports facilities, join a team, and embark on an exciting journey towards physical fitness and personal growth.


We offer a safe and reliable mode of transport ensuring students reach their destination with care and comfort.